Save 100's of hours with eLearning Locker's Storyline templates.
Increase audience engagement and performance quickly and effectively.

Sign Up For Your Storyline Templates!

I have been so busy that I haven't had time to update eLearning Locker with new content. So I am making the current templates free. Just sign up and enjoy! Happy eLearning!


Save 100's of hours with eLearning Locker's Storyline templates.
Increase audience engagement and performance quickly and effectively.

Sign Up for my Storyline Templates!

With eLearning Locker's templates, you can focus on closing your performance gaps, not how to design a course or what triggers and layers to use in Storyline. When you sign up, you have access to everything, so you can mix and match and quickly build the course that best fits your eLearning experience.

With eLearning Locker's templates, you can focus on closing your performance gaps, not how to design a course or what triggers and layers to use in Storyline. When you sign up, you have access to everything, so you can mix and match and quickly build the course that best fits your eLearning experience.

Select the type of Articulate Storyline template you need and begin enhancing your courses!

All Templates - Sort to find what you need!

Save 100's of hours on your next project with eLearning Locker templates! 

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eLearning Locker templates supercharge training for many of
our favorite compaines and educational institutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions and we have answers! Reach out if we can be of any assistance.

Absolutely! eLearning Locker is here so you can build and distribute your courses super fast. Create a course and publish it to your LMS and feel free to resell published courses made with eLearning Locker templates.

Yes! This is what the templates are for. You can edit them to fit your content and the audience experience you want. Change the text, images, add in screens, and adjust the colors to fit your brand and corporate culture.

You will need access to Articulate Storyline 360 or 3. You can download a free Storyline trial at

Every template is different. Open up each file in Storyline 360 or 3. Depending on the type of template, there will be different slides, layers, or states that contain the information/images that you want to change. Once you find the slide to change, you can edit the text or change an image. You can click any of the shapes or backgrounds and change the colors from the Format menu. Add in your own logo and adjust colors to better fit your brand guidelines as nessesary. You can edit these templates as much as you require to meet your needs. Have fun!

We are constantly creating new content. If you don’t see something you need, you can suggest something!

Make a Suggestion

You bet! Just send an email to that you want to cancel your account or downgrade to a free account.